• Introduction to Custom Actions
    By defining custom actions in Telerivet, you can create your own automated SMS service simply by building an intuitive, visual flowchart, without needing programming expertise o...
  • Using Variables
    Variables are properties of the current message or contact, and can be either numbers or text. By using variables, your SMS service can do something different depending on the i...
  • Creating Conditions
    Conditions allow you to perform an action only for certain messages, like messages from a particular sender, or messages that start with a particular keyword. A simple condit...
  • Combining Actions and Conditions
    Building a complete SMS service typically requires combining multiple conditions and actions in a particular order. Combining Conditions with Actions In order for a condit...
  • Creating Custom Variables
    In addition to the default variables provided by Telerivet, you can also create your own custom variables. There are two types of custom variables in Telerivet: Tempor...
  • Writing Custom Code
    Custom actions make it possible to create many kinds of SMS services without needing programming expertise. However, some kinds of SMS services can't be built by combining th...
  • Actions and Variables Reference
    See complete list of actions and variables »