The Custom Dashboards feature allows customizing the Dashboard page for each project with charts and metrics showing Telerivet usage and providing business intelligence about the results of your campaigns.
The Custom Dashboards feature is available on the Pro plan and higher Custom plans.
To start using the Custom Dashboards feature, go to the Dashboard page in your Telerivet project, then click Edit Settings > Dashboards.
By default, all Telerivet projects have a Project Overview dashboard, which includes a time-series chart of messages sent in the past two weeks, basic metrics for messages and contacts, information on routes and active services, and quick links to commonly used actions within Telerivet.
Creating a Custom Dashboard
On the Dashboards page, click "Add dashboard" to create a new dashboard from scratch, or click the gear icon to edit the existing Project Overview dashboard.
Each dashboard consists of one or more "cards". Each card displays a particular type of information. To add a new card to the dashboard, click "Add card". Several types of cards are available:
- Messages Time Series Chart
- Contacts Time Series Chart
- Messages
- Contacts
- Routes
- Services
- Account
- Airtime
- Airtime Time Series Chart
- Data Tables
- Data Table Time Series Chart
- Data Table Summary Chart
- Poll Results
- Custom Card
Each card contains configuration options specific to the type of card. Some card types, such as Messages, Contacts, Airtime, and Data Tables, can display one or more Metrics -- numeric values derived from the activity within your Telerivet account. When viewing the dashboard, you can also click any metric to view the page showing the corresponding activity.
In addition, several card types can also display one or more Links -- shortcuts to commonly used pages or actions within your Telerivet project. Some links are predefined, but you can also add custom links to any page within your Telerivet project by copying and pasting the URL from the address bar.
When editing a dashboard, the cards can be dragged to reorder them. When the Dashboard page is viewed on a browser, the cards will be automatically organized into rows depending on the size of the screen.
Cards with charts can be resized when viewing the Dashboard page by dragging near the edge of the card.
Messages Time Series Chart
The Messages Time Series Chart card displays a line chart of the messages sent and received in a date range.
The date range can be configured to show a particular number of days before today, or a fixed date interval. The Rollup setting allows showing totals by day, week, month, or year.
By default, the chart displays the count of messages within the date range. The Metric field also allows displaying the number of SMS parts, total price, and call duration. If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will display the cumulative total of that metric from the start of the date range until that date.
The "Group by" options allow showing different series in the chart for each combination of values within the messages in the date range. For example, if Direction is selected, there would be separate series for Incoming and Outgoing messages. If both Direction and Type are selected, there would be separate series for Incoming SMS, Outgoing SMS, Incoming MMS, Outgoing MMS, Incoming Call, and Outgoing Call (in a project that has SMS, MMS, and voice calls).
To add a Messages Time Series Chart card that only shows statistics for messages matching certain conditions (e.g. only outgoing SMS), go to Messages > More > Time series chart (or click an existing Messages Time Series Chart from the dashboard), select a filter from the left sidebar, then click More > Add to dashboard.
Contacts Time Series Chart
The Contacts Time Series Chart card displays a line chart of the number of contacts stored in Telerivet in a date range. The chart can either show the total number of contacts, or the net number of contacts added or removed in each date interval:
The card can show the total number of contacts as well as the number of contacts for any group. In order to show the number of contacts matching a custom filter, a dynamic group would first need to be created for that filter. After a group is created, Telerivet will automatically start tracking the number of contacts in the group each day.
The time series chart can either show a rolling date interval or a fixed date range, and statistics can be rolled up by day, week, month or year:
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will show the number of contacts for each metric stored at the end that date interval. If the "Cumulative" checkbox is not checked, each data point in the chart will show the net number of contacts added or removed within that date interval.
The Messages card displays various metrics related to messages, as well as quick links to actions on the Messages page:
The metrics and links displayed on the Messages card can be customized when editing the card:
By default, the Messages card contains the (messages today by direction/type) metric, which expands to multiple metrics depending on the types of messages that were sent and received today. By default, these metrics correspond to the most recent metrics on the Messages Time Series Chart and are displayed in the same color as the corresponding series on the Messages Time Series Chart.
The Messages card also supports adding metrics with the count of messages with a particular label, the number of starred messages, the number of queued, failed or not delivered messages today, and various other metrics.
The Contacts card displays various metrics related to contacts, as well as quick links to actions on the Contacts page.
The metrics and links displayed on the Contacts card can be customized when editing the card:
Each contact group can be added as a metric to the Contacts card, showing the total number of contacts in that group.
In addition to the predefined metrics available when editing the Contacts card, you can also add custom metrics with any combination of filters available when viewing the Contacts page.
On the Contacts page, select a filter in the left sidebar, then click More > Add to dashboard to add a custom metric based on the count of contacts in the current filter.
The Routes card shows a list of all routes and their current status, allowing you to see at a glance if there are currently any issues affecting your routes, such as errors sending messages.
From the Routes card, you can click any route to view its status page.
The links can be customized when editing the Routes card:
The Services card shows a list of active services. From the Services card, you can click any service to view its details and related actions.
If your project has many active services, you can organize services using tags and filter services by tag on the Services card.
The Account card shows the organization's current plan name and account balance, with links to various account configuration pages.
The Airtime card shows metrics related to airtime transactions and quick links to actions on the Airtime page. By default, it shows the number of transactions today and the amount spent today.
If you are using a third-party airtime provider that provides the account balance, the Airtime card can also show your current account balance with the third-party provider.
Airtime Time Series Chart
The Airtime Time Series Chart card displays a line chart of the successful airtime transactions sent in a date range.
The time series chart can either show a rolling date interval or a fixed date range, and statistics can be rolled up by day, week, month or year:
By default, the chart displays the count of successful transactions within the date range. The Metric field also allows displaying the price and the topup value. If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will display the cumulative total of that metric from the start of the date range until that date.
The "Group by" options allow showing different series in the chart for each combination of values within the airtime transactions in the date range. For example, if Operator is selected, there would be separate series for each operator airtime was sent to.
To add a Airtime Time Series Chart card that only shows statistics for airtime transactions matching certain conditions (e.g. only for a particular operator), go to Airtime > More > Time series chart, select a filter from the left sidebar, then click More > Add to dashboard.
Data Tables
The Data Tables card shows the number of rows in custom data tables. When data tables are created by automated services that prompt for the contact to respond, the number of rows is the same as the number of responses to that service.
By default, the Data Tables card contains the (recently updated tables) metric, which expands to the the five most recently updated data tables. Any data table or data table view can also be added as a metric to the Data Tables card.
To show the number of rows matching a custom filter within a data table, open the data table and select the filter from the left sidebar, then click More > Add to dashboard. (This will also create a view for the custom filter.)
Data Table Time Series Chart
The Data Table Time Series Chart card displays a line chart of the number of rows stored in one or more data tables in a date range. The chart can either show the total number of rows stored, or the net number of rows added or removed from the table in each date interval:
The chart can show the total number of rows in a table, as well as the number of rows matching any data table view (a saved filter for the data table). To create a data table view, open the data table and select a filter from the left sidebar, then click "Create view":
After a data table view is created, Telerivet will automatically start tracking the number of rows matching the view each day.
The time series chart can either show a rolling date interval or a fixed date range, and statistics can be rolled up by day, week, month or year:
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will show the total number of rows for each metric stored at the end that date interval. If the "Cumulative" checkbox is not checked, each data point in the chart will show the net number of rows added or removed within that date interval.
Data Table Summary Chart
The Data Table Summary Chart card displays a pie chart, bar chart, or table showing the total number of rows grouped by value in a custom data table. Each chart shows the most common values stored in one field (column) of a data table. For example, if a data table field stores the responses for a multiple-choice poll question, a Data Table Summary Chart could show a pie chart of the responses to that poll question.
To add a data table summary chart to the dashboard, open a chart on the Summary tab when viewing a data table, then click More > Add to dashboard.
Poll Results
The Poll Results card displays all of the questions for a poll along with the total number of responses, and bar charts of responses for each multiple-choice question.
To add a Poll Results card to the dashboard, view a poll on the Services page, then click More > Add to dashboard.
Custom Card
A Custom Card allows adding custom quick links to any page within your Telerivet project.
Creating Multiple Dashboards
When the Custom Dashboards feature is enabled, up to 20 dashboards can be created for each project. Each project always has one "default" dashboard which is initially displayed when a user clicks the Dashboard link in the sidebar. Non-default dashboards can be viewed by selecting the dashboard from the dropdown menu on the Dashboard page:
After viewing any dashboard, the Dashboard link in the sidebar will return to the most recent dashboard viewed within the current login session.
When editing a non-default dashboard, click "Set as default dashboard" to make it the default dashboard.
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