Telerivet automatically stores usage metrics for each project once a day, including the number of messages sent and received, the number of contacts stored in each Telerivet project and group, and the number of rows stored in each data table. For each of these metrics, Telerivet has time series charts that you can explore to get business intelligence about your Telerivet usage and the results of your campaigns.
If the Custom Dashboards feature is enabled for your account, any time series chart can also be added to the Dashboard page. While viewing any chart, click More > Add to dashboard to add it to the dashboard.
The dates for all time series charts are based on the project's Default Time Zone configured on the General Settings page.
Messages Time Series Chart
To explore the time series data for messages, go to Messages > More > Time series chart. (Alternatively, you can also click the messages time series chart on the Dashboard page.)
Telerivet automatically tracks the number of messages sent/received each day by user account, automated service, route, message type, direction, source, message status, mode (simulated/real), gateway provider, and mobile network (if known), as well as whether a short link was clicked, making it possible to build time series charts that group or filter by any of these message properties.
In the Date Range section, select a start and end date for the chart and choose whether to show totals by day, week, month, or year.
By default, the chart displays the count of messages within the date range. The Metric field also allows displaying the number of SMS parts, total price, and call duration (if applicable).
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will display the cumulative total of that metric from the start of the date range until that date.
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is not selected, each data point in the chart will show the messages created on the corresponding date or in the date interval.
The checkboxes in the Filter section allow showing different series in the chart for each combination of values within the messages in the date range. For example, if the Direction checkbox is selected with the filter "Any", there would be separate series for Incoming and Outgoing messages. If both Direction and Type checkboxes are selected with the filter "Any", there would be separate series for Incoming SMS, Outgoing SMS, Incoming MMS, Outgoing MMS, Incoming Call, and Outgoing Call (in a project that has SMS, MMS, and voice calls).
To only show statistics for messages matching certain conditions (e.g. only outgoing SMS), click the corresponding value under the filter checkboxes (e.g. "Outgoing" for the Direction filter and "SMS" for the Type filter).
The data in this chart is always based on the date when the message was originally created, which sometimes may be different than the date the message was sent.
To export the data in the current chart to CSV, click More > Export data.
Contacts Time Series Chart
To explore the time series data for contacts, go to Contacts > More > Time series chart.
Telerivet automatically tracks the number of contacts stored at the end of each day in each Telerivet project, as well as each group within the project. To add another group to the same chart, click "Add metric". The contacts time series chart can display up to 10 metrics at the same time.
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will show the number of contacts for each metric stored at the end that date interval.
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is not checked, each data point in the chart will show the net number of contacts added or removed within that date interval. In this case, chart values may be positive or negative and the chart axis and values will be displayed with a + or - sign.
In order to track the number of contacts matching a custom filter, a dynamic group would first need to be created for that filter. After a dynamic group is created, Telerivet will automatically start tracking the number of contacts in the group each day.
Data Table Time Series Chart
To explore the time series data for data tables, select a data table from the Data Tables page, then click More > Time series chart.
Telerivet automatically tracks the number of rows stored at the end of each day in each data table, as well as each data table view. To add another data table to the same chart, click "Add metric". The data table time series chart can display up to 10 metrics at the same time.
If the "Cumulative" checkbox is selected, each data point in the chart will show the number of rows for each metric stored at the end that date interval. If the "Cumulative" checkbox is not checked, each data point in the chart will show the net number of rows added or removed within that date interval. In this case, chart values may be positive or negative, and the chart axis and values will be displayed with a + or - sign.
Data table views make it possible to view time series charts for the number of rows matching custom filters within a data table. To define a data table view, open the data table and select a filter from the left sidebar, then click "Create view".
After a data table view is created, Telerivet will automatically start tracking the number of rows matching the view each day.
Airtime Time Series Chart
To explore the time series data for airtime transactions, go to Airtime > More > Time series chart.
Telerivet automatically tracks the successful airtime transactions sent each day by country, airtime provider, mobile operator, and product ID, making it possible to build time series charts that group or filter by any of these transaction properties. The checkboxes in the Filter section allow showing different series in the chart for each combination of values within the airtime transactions in the date range.
By default, the chart displays the total topup value sent within the date range (which may be available in different currencies if you are sending airtime in multiple currencies). The Metric field also allows displaying the number of successful transactions and the price charged for the airtime transactions.
To export the data in the current chart to CSV, click More > Export data.
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