18 December 2024
- The Campaigns page now supports sending voice calls via broadcasts and relative/anniversary campaigns.
19 November 2024
- When viewing data tables where each row is associated with a contact, it is now possible to select multiple rows, or all rows matching a filter, and add the associated contacts to a group.
18 November 2024
- Message templates are now available via the "Templates" link when composing messages in Custom Actions services and Poll services.
12 November 2024
- allow_sending and add_time_variable properties added to Group object in REST API and Cloud Script API.
7 November 2024
- Custom dashboards now support custom links with URLs outside of the current project.
1 November 2024
- Added the [[error_code]] variable in Custom Routes and Message Status Services to allow implementing automatic fallback or custom actions based on provider-specific API error codes
- Added the "error_code" property to the Message object in the REST API and Cloud Script API.
- Added support for fallback from WhatsApp to SMS using Custom Routes.
22 October 2024
- Added Stored Files page to view and delete files that have been uploaded to Telerivet for media attachments and call audio. (From the Dashboard, click More > Manage stored files).
14 October 2024
- Support for charging directly for WhatsApp conversation fees without needing the organization to pay Meta via credit/debit card. (Alternatively, organizations can still pay Meta for WhatsApp conversation fees via credit/debit card.)
7 October 2024
- API methods that allow sending methods with media attachments now support sending the attachment as a Base64-encoded data URI, without needing to upload the attachment to a separate service. For details, see the API documentation for the media_urls parameter when sending a message.
2 October 2024
- When sending messages via routes with direct connectivity (per-message fees are billed via Telerivet), the Transaction History now shows a daily breakdown of the usage and costs per usage category and country.
13 September 2024
- Each contact group now has an "Allow sending messages to this group" setting. If disabled, the group will no longer appear in places where groups can be selected for sending messages, and an error will be triggered if a message is sent to that group. This setting is automatically disabled for the "Unsubscribers" group created by the Subscription service.
23 August 2024
- When exporting messages, scheduled messages, or broadcasts to CSV, the "Media URLs" column is now available to export the URLs of media attachments.
15 July 2024
- Added support for sending data and talk-time bundles on the Airtime page and via "send airtime" actions, on 200+ mobile networks in 90+ countries.
19 June 2024
- Added Campaigns page, which supports sending message broadcasts, service broadcasts, relative campaigns, and birthday/anniversary campaigns.
- Campaigns can be saved as a draft before sending.
- Campaigns allow automatically adding contacts to a group if they reply to the campaign or click a short link.
- Subscription services now automatically sets a contact field with the time a contact subscribes / unsubscribes by default
4 June 2024
- Added support for various filters when viewing messages for an individual contact (Status, Route, Label, Type, Date, and message custom fields).
- Added project.receiveMessage method in the Cloud Script API to allow creating incoming messages in services (but not when already handling an incoming message).
18 May 2024
- Added support for WhatsApp embedded signup flow
16 May 2024
- When deleting contacts that include some blocked contacts, the user is prompted to choose whether to delete only unblocked contacts or all selected contacts. Non-admins can no longer delete blocked contacts.
27 March 2024
- The search boxes on the Messages and Contacts page now support searching messages, broadcasts, and contacts by ID, and searching messages by contact ID or route ID.
15 February 2024
- The Subscription service now supports adding labels to messages that match subscribe/unsubscribe keywords, and adding unsubscribed contacts to an Unsubscribers group.
13 February 2024
- When sending messages via WhatsApp or Viber routes, messages have a Link Button setting that allows configuring button text and a link URL. Link Buttons also optionally support click tracking.
- Route-specific message parameters (such as quick replies and link buttons) can now contain variables (e.g. [[contact.name]]).
- Poll questions now support media attachments, short links, and route-specific parameters such as quick replies and link buttons.
- Implemented Messenger API integration to allow sending/receiving messages as a Facebook Page or Instagram account.
14 January 2024
- Short links generated by Telerivet now expire after a maximum of 1 year.
6 December 2023
- Broadcasts that contain 0 or 1 message will automatically be deleted after 7 days. (Any associated messages will not be deleted.)
4 December 2023
- The page for viewing an individual service now has tabs to view related information, depending on the type of service.
- Added tabs to view broadcasts and scheduled messages associated with a service.
- The messages, contacts in progress, and data table of responses associated with a service are now accessible in tabs.
27 November 2023
- After manually triggering services via the web app, the logs generated by the service will be accessible by clicking "View logs" at the bottom of the page.
- If a manually triggered service throws an error or returns a string value, the text will be displayed in a modal alert when triggering the service for an individual contact or message.
9 November 2023
- Allow creating custom dashboards with charts and metrics showing Telerivet usage and providing business intelligence about the results of your campaigns (available on Pro plan and higher Custom plans).
- Allow organizing services on the Services page via custom tags.
4 November 2023
- Update Services page to show summary (table) view by default, and show last time each service was triggered.
- Added API tutorials for triggering automated services and sending voice calls.
22 October 2023
- Added "simulated" boolean variable in Cloud Script API to allow having different behavior for services when triggered via simulator
18 October 2023
- Update Add Service page to organize services by category and trigger.
24 September 2023
- Allow defining custom views (saved filters) for data tables.
- Added time series statistics for contacts and data tables. The total number of contacts in the project and each group are stored every day, as well as the total number of rows in each data table and data table view. To view statistics, click More > Time series chart on the Contacts page or when viewing a data table.
11 September 2023
- Allow customizing the number of values and sort order in data table summary charts.
25 August 2023
- Added support for sending and receiving MMS messages via Vonage routes (US and Canada)
17 August 2023
- Added user_id field to airtime transactions in API
28 June 2023
- Added API method for creating a new service that supports creating webhook services, Cloud Script API services, as well as instances of custom service templates.
- Added API methods for getting service configuration and updating service configuration (for supported service types).
- Added support for updating service properties via the API, including the basic routes associated with the service and other settings.
- Added API method for querying service logs including optional execution statistics.
- Added API methods for creating a relative scheduled message, querying relative scheduled messages, updating a relative scheduled message, and deleting a relative scheduled message.
- Added support for updating scheduled message properties via the API.
- Added API method for creating a new project.
- Added support for updating project settings including the default route, default timezone, and URL slug, and enabling/disabling automatic contact creation via the API. The default_route_id and auto_create_contacts properties were added to the Project object, and the timezone_id and url_slug properties are now updatable via API.
1 June 2023
- Added num_parts property (number of SMS parts) to Message object in REST API and Cloud Script API.
9 May 2023
- Added network_code property (mobile country code and mobile network code) to Message object in REST API and Cloud Script API.
20 April 2023
- Added support for triggering Cloud Script API services via third-party webhook requests (without needing the third-party software to integrate with Telerivet specifically)
14 April 2023
- Allow manually triggering Cloud Script API and Custom Action services for a project without needing an associated contact, message, or data row. Services can be triggered via the Actions menu on the Dashboard page, via the REST API, or via a "Trigger service for project" action.
13 April 2023
- Added the replaceVariables function to the Cloud Script API.
5 April 2023
- Allow restoring deleted data tables, contact groups, message labels, and routes within 10 days of deletion
- Allow filtering deleted items by type
31 March 2023
- Added button to automatically format JavaScript code written in the in-browser editor.
22 March 2023
- Support WhatsApp routes by connecting to a user's Meta Developer account
14 March 2023
- Show which user account sent each airtime transaction.
- Add activity log entries when sending airtime transactions
25 January 2023
- Allow running JavaScript code and triggering other services in services when message status changes
12 December 2022
- Allow changing the route of multiple scheduled messages via Actions menu
- Allow hiding manually-triggered services from Actions menu on Messages, Contacts, and Data Table pages
- Added "alphabetically before" and "alphabetically after" conditions in Custom Actions
9 December 2022
- Allow specifying a delay for "Trigger service for contact" action
8 December 2022
- Status text for Android route now shows if Test mode is enabled or Forward incoming message is disabled
5 December 2022
- Conversation view is now automatically scrolled to the bottom, and more messages are preloaded.
- Messages can be sent via Ctrl+Enter on conversation view
3 December 2022
- Message inputs now automatically expand their height to fit the content
1 December 2022
- Short links can start with "sms:" prefix to open the contact's Messaging app to a particular phone number, and can optionally prefill a text message
18 November 2022
- Each Message Template now has a name, and can be searched by name
- Short links, attachments, and parameters are now supported in message templates
2 November 2022
- Allow configuring session expiration time for Natural Language Understanding services, allowing sessions to retain context after more than 20 minutes of inactivity
- Allow Natural Language Understanding services to have multiple fallback intents for
26 July 2022
- Allow defining custom routes that select a different route depending on the message type
25 July 2022
- Support sending rewards via Giftaway in the Philippines
18 July 2022
- Added API methods for retrieving and updating metadata for custom message fields and custom contact fields as displayed in the Telerivet web app
- Added API methods for retrieving statistics about messages sent and received via Telerivet
14 July 2022
- Messages sent via direct connectivity (when paying Telerivet directly for each message) are no longer counted towards daily message limits
20 June 2022
- Allow shortening links and tracking clicks when importing messages to send via the web app
31 May 2022
- Metadata for custom message fields and custom contact fields may be automatically deleted if there are no messages or contacts with those custom fields for more than 3 days.
16 May 2022
- Allow customizing Reply-To email address when sending emails via Custom Actions or Cloud Script API
- Allow attaching media files from message to emails sent via Cloud Script API
28 April 2022
- Allow passing custom parameters when invoking services via the REST API. Custom parameters appear as local variables within the service like $name.
18 April 2022
- Add campaign registration form for internally-billed US 10DLC virtual numbers
28 March 2022
- Allow sending chat and MMS messages with no text content if they have media attachments
2 March 2022
- Update Cloud Script engine to support new JavaScript syntax:
keywords - Arrow functions
- Template strings
- Shorthand object properties
- Destructuring assignment
- Generator functions
loops - Array.protoype.includes
- Exponentiation operator (
- Add finishOnKey parameter to recordAudio function in Cloud Script API.
3 January 2022
- Allow updating Cloud Script modules via CLI
30 November 2021
- Allow resetting the sent message count for a route on a schedule
10 September 2021
- Allow synchronizing contact information between multiple projects
23 August 2021
- Support sending voice calls via Zapier integration
19 August 2021
- For messages with multiple short links, the Messages page shows short links were clicked when viewing and exporting messages
- For broadcasts with multiple short links, the Broadcast Detail page shows the number of clicks for each short link
9 June 2021
- Allow configuring session timeout on Organization Settings page
- Manage Sessions page shows last active time and IP address for each session
3 June 2021
- Add "Resend message" action in services triggered when message status changes, to allow automatically resending failed or not-delivered messages. Messages can be resent immediately or after a delay, using the same route or a different route.
- Add [[send_attempts]] variable in services triggered when message status changes.
- Add page to view/edit custom variables for a route or service
- Message Detail page shows previous message status after resending failed messages
17 May 2021
- Allow shortening links to custom URL schemes (e.g. to send deep links to Android/iOS apps)
- Allow organizations to configure multiple custom short link domains
- Allow configuring custom short link domain and short link expiration time for each message
4 May 2021
- Allow filtering messages by contact group via API
- Allow searching for messages by external ID and error message via web UI
29 April 2021
- Allow adding ne, exists, and null modifiers when filtering messages by broadcast_id, scheduled_id, contact_id, or external_id via API
29 March 2021
- Telerivet now periodically checks configuration of Nexmo and Twilio virtual numbers and displays a warning message on the route status page if the number is not configured correctly.
27 March 2021
- Added API methods for creating and retrieving batch tasks, which can be used for applying a service to multiple contacts, messages, or data rows; adding or removing contacts from a group; blocking or unblocking sending messages to a contact; updating a custom variable; deleting contacts, messages, or data rows; or exporting data to CSV.
- Custom Actions and Cloud Script API services can be triggered for a data row
8 March 2021
- Added the ability to update a field in multiple rows in a data table via the Actions menu in the web UI.
8 February 2021
- Added the ability to export data to CSV to a custom S3 storage bucket.
30 October 2020
- Added the ability to create Custom Actions and Cloud Script API services that are triggered when a USSD session is received.
21 October 2020
- Version history is automatically stored when editing services. Added the ability to view and restore old versions of services.
14 October 2020
- Added the ability to create Cloud Script API services that are triggered manually or at a recurring interval.
5 October 2020
- Added the option to export data for the associated contact when exporting messages, airtime transactions, or data rows to CSV.
26 August 2020
- Added the ability to view service logs and user activity associated with a particular contact
- Added the ability to jump to a particular date/time when viewing service logs
19 August 2020
- Added the ability to invoke services asynchronously via the API.
29 July 2020
- Added the ability to search for group names on the Contacts page
13 July 2020
Added API methods for querying airtime transactions
Allow invoking service with phone number instead of contact ID
Added contact's conversation_status to API
7 July 2020
- Added Zendesk integration
19 June 2020
- Added page to view combined message statistics for all projects within an organization
12 June 2020
- Added a page to view history of an organization's service plan usage and limits
30 March 2020
- Added a setting to mask the last 3 digits of contact phone numbers in the web UI for non-admin users
27 February 2020
- Added an action to retry services and webhooks in the Actions menu on the Messages page
- Added the "Service Error" message status to allow filtering messages that encountered an error when triggering a service
3 February 2020
- Moved user guide to guide.telerivet.com
28 January 2020
- Allow scheduling times to automatically activate or deactivate a service
23 January 2020
- Add keyboard shortcuts for changing conversation status
17 January 2020
- When viewing a conversation, the sidebar on the right shows the most recent conversations and lets you switch between conversations without going back to the Conversations tab (see blog post)
- Conversations can have status Active, Handled, or Closed
- Allow filtering conversations by contact group and conversation status on the Conversations tab
- When returning to Messages page, open the same tab and filters that were last opened on the previous visit
5 December 2019
- When using your own Twilio account, prices for Twilio messages and calls will be retrieved from the Twilio API when they become available (usually after 100 minutes)
15 November 2019
- Added media_urls, vars, simulated, and priority parameters to send_multi REST API method. Allow setting different status_url, status_secret, vars, and priority parameters for each message.
11 November 2019
- Retry failed webhook API requests for message status and other notifications after 60 seconds, 10 minutes, and 1 hour
21 October 2019
- Increase maximum page_size in REST API to 500 rows.
11 October 2019
- Allow filtering and searching broadcasts on Broadcasts tab
- Allow filtering airtime transactions
4 October 2019
- Allow grouping message statistics chart/table by Service
2 October 2019
- Allow sending and receiving MMS messages via Telerivet Gateway app (sending MMS requires Android 5.0 and higher)
23 August 2019
- Allow creating custom dropdown fields for contact information and data tables
30 July 2019
- Allow triggering custom actions when airtime transaction succeeds or fails
- Add variables for airtime transactions in Custom Actions and Cloud Script API
23 July 2019
- Allow users to disable saving service responses in a data table
22 July 2019
- Optimize icons for high-DPI displays
- Clean up design of various user interface elements
- Allow collapsing/expanding left navigation by clicking logo at top left
1 July 2019
- Add support for non-SMS text message types
- Support attaching media files as short links to SMS messages
- Allow attaching media files in campaign wizard and custom actions
- Allow attaching recent media files without re-uploading them
- Show thumbnail previews of image files on Messages page
30 May 2019
- Updated Telerivet iOS app (1.1.0) to support logging in via Google or SAML
18 May 2019
- Updated Telerivet Mobile Android app (1.1.1) to support logging in via Google or SAML, and to allow customizing notifications via the system's notification settings screen on Android 8+
16 May 2019
- Allow logging in to Telerivet via Google or SAML single sign-on identity provider
- Allow organization administrators to specify allowed login methods, including disabling Telerivet password logins to force users to use Google or SAML to log in
2 May 2019
- Allow sending a short link to an opt-out page via the [[link.optout]] variable. The opt-out page has a button that, by default, will block the current Telerivet project from sending messages to that contact.
- Allow customizing the text and actions triggered when a user clicks the button on an opt-out page or custom button page
12 April 2019
- Allow triggering custom actions when a contact clicks a short link, or doesn't click a short link after a certain amount of time
20 March 2019
- [[contact.id]] is now available as a variable when sending messages
18 March 2019
Added ability to shorten URLs and track clicks in SMS messages
28 January 2019
- The "Block sending to contact" action also allows unblocking contacts
24 January 2019
- Allow automatically pausing a route after it sends a particular number of messages
4 January 2019
- The last time a contact was updated is now available on the Contacts page
8 November 2018
- Routes now have separate queues for individual messages and broadcast messages. This makes it possible to send a large broadcast (which may take a long time to send) without delaying messages sent by services in reply to incoming messages or messages sent manually through the Telerivet dashboard.
23 October 2018
- Allow scheduling Custom Actions services to contacts
- REST API allows sending or scheduling services to groups
- If the first question of a poll is edited after the poll has already been scheduled, the edits will now apply to previously-scheduled messages.
18 October 2018
- Custom Actions services can now be triggered when message status changes
5 October 2018
- The Message object returned by the REST and Webhook API now includes a time_updated field, showing the time the message status last changed
- The Message export CSV includes a Time Updated column
19 July 2018
- Added API method to import up to 200 contacts in a single API call
2 July 2018
- Contacts are automatically deleted when all of their messages are deleted, if they have no contact information besides a phone number.
28 June 2018
- If accounts are unpaid and inactive for more than 180 days and have more than 500 stored messages, 50 contacts, or 500 data rows, those messages, contacts, or data rows will be permanently deleted after multiple email warnings if the account remains unpaid and inactive for an additional 45 days.
20 June 2018
- If a user completes the registration process but does not start using their project within 3 years, their user account, project, and organization will be deleted.
- If a user is invited to an existing Telerivet project or organization, but does not complete the registration process within 30 days, their user account will be deleted.
14 June 2018
- API documentation is formatted properly when printing the documentation from the browser.
11 June 2018
- Added REST API method to send up to 100 different messages in a single API request. When sending multiple messages, it is significantly faster than sending 1 message per API request.
- Added "send_broadcast" REST API method to send a single message (optionally including variables) to a group and return a Broadcast object. The old "send_multi" API method still exists, but is deprecated.
- API clients can query messages by broadcast_id.
- Renamed the Broadcast "recipients_str" property to "title". Broadcasts still have a "recipients_str" property for backwards compatibility, but it is deprecated.
- Deprecated API methods for Mobile Money Receipts.
- REST API now supports "Content-Encoding: gzip" request header for POST and PUT requests when the request body is JSON, to reduce the amount of data transmitted over the internet from the client to the server.
- REST API now supports the "Accept-Encoding: gzip" request header, and will respond with gzip-encoded response body, to reduce the amount of data transmitted over the internet from the server to the client.
- REST API client libraries updated to support gzip encoding of request and response body.
4 June 2018
- API keys are now associated with an API Client that has limited permissions for a particular organization or project, instead of a user account.
- Existing personal API keys associated with a user account still work, but new personal API keys cannot be created. Users who already had the "Access API" permission now have the "Use personal API key permission", which can be revoked when no longer needed.
- Users with the "Project contributor" and "Project viewer" role can optionally be prevented from exporting data
- The Developer API page shows the time each API key was last used, the IP address it was used from, and the user who created the API key.
- API keys can no longer be viewed after they are originally created
11 May 2018
- Renamed the "Phones" page to "Routes". "Basic Route" refers to a single Android phone, virtual number, shortcode, or other API connection. "Custom Route" refers to a route that can send messages via multiple Basic Routes.
- API methods, parameters, and properties related to Basic Routes continue to use the term "Phone" to maintain backwards compatibility.
- API methods, parameters, and properties related to Custom Routes continue to use the term "Route" to maintain backwards compatibility.
7 May 2018
- External ID and Operator Reference fields are now provided for successful airtime transactions. To view these fields, click the "+" button on the Airtime page. The Operator Reference field may take up to 5 minutes to become available.
30 April 2018
- Telerivet now sends email notifications for failed airtime transactions and airtime transactions pending payment.
- A pre-compiled Java client library for the Telerivet REST API is now available in Maven Central
25 April 2018
- Added REST API methods for organizations, including the ability to retrieve billing details and current usage.
23 April 2018
- Labels can be added to outgoing messages sent via "Send SMS" actions
- The "Copy message to project" action now allows using a variable for the project ID. The variable contact.vars.default_shared_project_id is automatically updated each time a contact sends or receives a message via a shared phone. The action "copy message to project [[contact.vars.default_shared_project_id]]" allows messages to be copied to the appropriate project without needing the message to contain a specific keyword.
6 April 2018
- Project Codes for connecting the Telerivet Gateway Android app are now generated on demand and automatically expire after two weeks, in order to improve security.
5 April 2018
- Updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Philippines' Data Privacy Act
2 April 2018
- The "Import Messages to Send" and "Import Schedule" functions are now available when Message Review is enabled.
23 March 2018
- When a Nexmo account is connected to Telerivet, Telerivet no longer sets the account-wide callback URL for delivery reports.
27 February 2018
- When sending a broadcast or scheduled message to multiple groups, contacts that are members of more than one of the recipient groups will only receive the message once
- When scheduling a message to more than one recipient, only one scheduled message will be created (instead of a separate scheduled message for each recipient)
- Scheduled message objects returned by REST API now have recipients and recipients_str properties which work the same as broadcasts. The contact_id, group_id, and to_number fields are still provided for backwards compatibility but are only set if the scheduled message is sent to one contact or group.
7 February 2018
- Message Review allows administrators to approve, edit, or delete messages drafted by their team before the messages are sent out
17 January 2017
- Allow administrators to view and edit custom project variables
11 December 2017
9 November 2017
- Allow importing up to 1 million contacts at once via web app, and improve speed of importing contacts
19 October 2017
- Added the current rate of sending messages to the Phone Status page (except for Android phones)
- The Broadcasts tab shows if broadcasts are actively being sent or queued
17 August 2017
- Organizations can specify a whitelist of IP addresses that can access the organization
10 August 2017
- Updated Dashboard design and added new statistics:
- Messages card shows number of incoming/outgoing messages received today for each type of message (SMS, MMS, Call, USSD)
- Increased size of message statistics chart
- Contacts card shows number of contacts contacted and heard from today
- Data Tables card shows number of rows in 5 most recently updated tables
- Airtime card shows number and cost of transactions today
- Account balance updates in real-time
4 August 2017
- New user permissions can be granted for users in the "Custom" role:
- Export project data (in order to export a particular resource such as message or contacts, the user must also have the "View" permission for that resource)
- View user permissions
- Edit user permissions
- View user activity
- Edit organization settings
- Allow organization administrators to define a password policy for all users with access to that organization - character classes (lowercase/uppercase/number/special characters), minimum password length, and maximum age
21 July 2017
- Message statistics can be grouped by user, phone, message type, direction, source, status, real/simulated mode, and any combination of these groups
- Available message statistics now include message count, number of SMS parts, call duration, and price (when provided by the gateway)
- Message statistics can be exported to CSV
3 July 2017
- Voice polls can be configured to allow incoming calls only from the contacts that the poll was sent to (in case the contact misses the original call, and then calls the number back).
4 June 2017
- Allow configuring multiple email addresses for billing notifications on the Organization Settings page
9 May 2017
- Time of day can be displayed in either 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour format on the Personal Settings page. Default time format is set depending on the most common format in the user's country.
2 May 2017
- Allow filtering log entries by action and user on the Recent Account Activity page (User Accounts > Review user activity)
- Only create 1 log entry per minute when importing contacts/messages/rows, deleting messages, etc.
18 April 2017
- Allow exporting scheduled messages (Messages > Scheduled > More > Export messages)
- Email notifications can be sent when a broadcast is created (Dashboard > Edit Settings > Email Notifications)
- Messages imported via "Import messages to send" are added to a Broadcast
6 April 2017
- Added warnings when sending a broadcast that will take a long time to send or may cause the phone number to be blocked, or when sending a SMS poll from a phone number that can't receive replies.
- For large broadcasts, show estimate of how long a broadcast will take to send
14 March 2017
- Support outbound voice calls via SIP (via Twilio)
27 January 2017
- Add support for Person-to-person calls
- Allow triggering outbound IVR call flow in response to an incoming SMS message via Custom Actions
12 January 2017
- Allow importing rows into custom data tables via Telerivet web app
- Account quotas for messages and API requests now reset at midnight in the account's time zone. This timezone can be configured on the Organization Settings page. (These quotas previously included all messages / API requests from the previous 24 hours.)
19 December 2016
- Telerivet now tracks additional statistics for each broadcast, including the number of messages in each status and the total number of SMS parts.
- The Broadcasts tab on the Messages page shows statistics for each broadcast
- Telerivet automatically tracks replies for broadcasts, and keeps track of the total number of replies. An incoming message is counted as a "reply" if the previous message to the same contact was an outgoing message sent as part of a broadcast in the past 7 days. If a broadcast has any replies, they can be viewed on the Replies tab for that broadcast.
- Added REST API methods for broadcasts
- Broadcasts that are currently being sent can be cancelled via the web or the API
- Broadcasts can be exported to CSV
- Added webhook when broadcast is sent
- Projects can have multiple webhook URLs
- Broadcasts are created when a service is manually triggered from the Contacts page for multiple contacts (if the service sends any messages)
- Show message templates in "New Campaign" wizard
6 December 2016
- Automatically store responses to "Custom Actions" and "Cloud Script API" services in the service's data table
2 December 2016
- Users can now create custom script modules without needing to contact Telerivet support
- Added GitHub integration for custom script modules that automatically update code in Telerivet when a new commit is pushed to GitHub
22 September 2016
- Added a page to view and cancel exports of messages, contacts, and data rows. From the Dashboard page, click More > Data exports. All users can cancel their own exports, and users with the Project administrator or Organization administrator role can also cancel other users' exports. Administrators can also see a full history of exports from all users in the project.
20 September 2016
- Released version 3.10.9 of the Telerivet Android app, which adds "Message route fetch delay" and "Message route fetch jitter" settings (on Message Sending Parameters) to give more control over distribution of messages sent via load-balanced routes.
19 September 2016
- In Custom Actions and Custom Call Flows, the "run subroutine" action has been added to allow reusing groups of actions within a service.
- When a project has multiple services that handle incoming messages, certain services can be run for all incoming messages regardless of other services (for example, a webhook service can forward all messages to an external server, even messages that were handled by a poll service).
- Messaging services now support response time limits.
- In Custom Actions, the "wait for response" action supports a time limit with optional actions that run if the contact doesn't respond within the time limit. Services no longer have a "global" response time limit; all services previously using a global response time limit have been automatically migrated to have a time limit for each "wait for response" action.
- The Poll service (for messaging) now supports a response time limit, with optional actions that run if the contact doesn't respond within the time limit, for example to remind the contact to answer the question. If a time limit contains an action, another time limit can be defined after the previously time limit expires (up to 3 times per question).
- When a response timeout is generated by a service that sends an outgoing message, the timeout is only started once the message is actually sent by the gateway (which may be a while after the message is queued).
- Cloud Script API changes
- New Cloud Script API services now require a main() method, and stateful conversation flows should be handled via addResponseHandler . (This change does not apply to "run JavaScript code" actions, where code still runs at the top level of the script without calling main() or using addResponseHandler.) Existing scripts without a main() method will run without changes using the "backwards compatibility" setting. To upgrade an existing service, refactor the code to use main() and addResponseHandler, then disable the backwards compatibility setting under "Advanced settings".
- Response time limits are supported in Cloud Script API services via waitForResponse and addTimeoutHandler.
- Added helper functions for formatting phone numbers.
- The moment timezone library has been added for manipulating dates in a local timezone.
- Cloud Script API services and "run JavaScript code" rules run in the context of a dedicated service account, and permissions can be granted to the service account like other users (service accounts don't count as a user for service plan limits). By default, new service accounts are granted the "Project contributor" role, however projects already using the Cloud Script API have a service account in the "Project administrator" role for backwards compatibility.
- Scheduled messages are sent in 15 second intervals, and services can schedule messages in multiples of 0.25 minutes (scheduled messages were previously only sent once per minute)
- Scheduled messages now appear in the simulated phone when testing services
- Limit the number of service-generated "send email" actions per day to the number of messages per day allowed by the service plan.
- Allow adding a delay after each message sent via an SMS gateway provider.
- When a service applied to a message generates an error, the (last) error message of the service is saved as the error message on the message itself, so that service errors are visible on the Messages page.
- Organization administrators can delete unused organizations from the Organization Settings page, as long as the organization has no projects (or all projects have been deleted) and no billing history.
- An email notification is sent if outgoing messages queued on a route are still queued and not assigned to any phone after several hours.
- Voice Beta:
- Cloud Script API now supports voice (documentation).
- Message templates and preview are now available for text-to-speech calls.
- Text-to-speech calls can be sent in either a male or female voice (when available)
- Projects can set a default language and voice for text-to-speech calls.
- Voice broadcasts can be automatically repeated once, in case the recipient didn't hear the first occurrence or in case it played during a voicemail prompt.
- Pricing for voice calls via Nexmo virtual numbers purchased via Telerivet has been defined.
20 August 2016
- Allow accounts with the custom domain name feature to replace "Telerivet" with their own site name in most locations in the web app
21 June 2016
- Zapier action for importing contacts
17 June 2016
- Delete custom contact variable from each contact when the field is deleted
- Live update contact information in conversation view
- Allow overriding user_id of message when sending messages via REST API
15 June 2016
- Update design of Services page; show number of services on each tab
26 May 2016
- Automatically convert en-dashes to hyphens when pasted (in addition to converting smart quotes to straight quotes) to avoid unnecessarily encoding SMS messages as Unicode
6 May 2016
- Update design of Messages page to allow combining multiple filters
- Allow filtering scheduled messages by label, type and date
17 March 2016
- Add support for Twilio Messaging Copilot
- Allow changing API keys for Nexmo, Twilio, and Infobip connections
15 March 2016
- Allow sorting fields for contacts / data tables
- Allow showing custom contact fields and groups on Conversations tab
- Allow customizing which field is used as lookup key when importing contacts
- Update design of message templates dialog
- Allow sorting and searching message templates
- Allow showing/hiding Stats tab and Contact Name / Phone Number column for custom data tables
28 February 2016
- Allow exporting custom message variables
- Add "Set message variable" action
15 February 2016
- Update Nexmo Number Insight to use "standard" API endpoint which costs EUR 0.005 instead of EUR 0.03
13 February 2016
- Allow using parallel API connections to HTTP SMS gateway APIs to send messages faster
31 January 2016
- Allow customizing service plan limits
- Allow changing plan without restarting monthly/annual billing period
9 December 2015
- Organization address field alllows users to add custom information to PDF invoices and receipts
7 December 2015
- Stats tab on data tables page allows visualizing top responses in pie chart, bar chart, or table, as well as filtering responses
16 October 2015
- Export up to 2,000,000 contacts, messages, data rows, receipts, or airtime transactions to CSV at once
- Allow combining full-text search queries and filter conditions to filter contacts
- Fltering and searching within dynamic groups
- Search mobile money receipts by transaction ID
6 October 2015
- PDF receipts available for all payments, and PDF invoices available for all service fees
1 October 2015
- Filter contacts by relative date ranges (between X and Y days ago / days from now)
- Increase volume of audio notification for new messages
30 September 2015
- Integration with Nexmo Number Insight API to validate contact phone numbers and look up information on number type and mobile network (learn more)
19 September 2015
- Add webhooks for message status notifications (previously only available for messages sent via REST API), contact updates, and message metadata (documentation)
- Add new contact fields incoming_message_count, outgoing_message_count, last_incoming_message_time, and last_outgoing_message_time to REST API, Webhook API, and Cloud Script API (documentation)
- Add URL custom field type for contacts
2 September 2015 (View blog post)
- Drag-and-drop editor for custom actions
- "Wait for response" action
- "else if" and "else" conditions
- Update design of Services page
- Manually trigger custom actions for messages
- Allow selecting multiple messages (e.g. failed messages) and blocking sending messages to those contacts
17 August 2015
- Allow adding/removing contacts from one or more groups in API method to update contact (documentation)
- Add lookup_key field to API method to update contact
31 July 2015
- Track current and historical connectivity status for SMPP connections
28 July 2015
- Allow performing bulk actions such as adding/removing contacts from group, deleting contacts/messages, adding/removing labels, and canceling/resending messages with up to 500,000 contacts/messages at a time (removed prompt after each 500)
- Resend API call notifies status_url (from original API call to send messages) when message status changes
23 July 2015
- Allow sending a SMS broadcast to up to 500,000 contacts at one time
20 July 2015
- Filter exported messages by contact group
12 July 2015
- Airtime topup and transfer
- Allow sending airtime automatically in polls or rules engine
9 July 2015
- Record duration and ring time of incoming calls in Telerivet Android app version 3.9.3
7 July 2015
- "New campaign" wizard makes it easier to send/schedule messages to groups
22 June 2015
- Import contacts/messages directly from .xls, .xlsx, .csv, or .txt files
- Import up to 100,000 contacts/messages at a time
8 June 2015
- Recommend SMS gateway providers for users that only need to send messages
10 May 2015
- Automatically replace curly quotes/apostrophes with straight quotes/apostrophes when copying text into the Send SMS dialog in order to avoid unnecessary unicode SMS encoding and increase the number of characters available in a single SMS part
20 April 2015 (View blog post)
- Full-text contact search
- Advanced contact filters/segmentation
- Dynamic groups
- Import up to 5,000 contacts at once
- Block sending messages to contacts
- Custom Date/Time contact fields
- View non-members of a group
- Automatically track date/time contacts added to group
- Update a custom field on multiple contacts
- Preview messages before sending
18 April 2015
- Allow importing Cloud Script API code from an external Git repository (see example)
20 March 2015
- Premium plan users can customize web app logo
- Allow accessing Telerivet web app on your own subdomain (e.g. sms.example.com)
8 March 2015
- Add "Send poll" rule to Rules Engine to make it easier for contacts to trigger a poll by sending a keyword
- Messages sent to more than one contact are shown on "Broadcasts" tab on Messages page
- When adding/editing a contact on the Contacts page, the fields shown in the add/edit contact dialog by default are the same as the visible columns, making it more convenient to add custom fields to the contact
- Allow adding a new group when importing contacts
- Email fields in Contacts are formatted as mailto: links
2 March 2015
- Allow sharing one phone between multiple projects.
- Incoming messages can be routed to other projects by using the "Copy message to project" rule in the Rules Engine (this automatically creates shared phones as necessary).
- Add REST API method to add an incoming message
25 February 2015
- When multiple services are active for handling incoming messages, any services where a contact has "state" will be tried first, in order of the most recent time that service was applied for that contact. This makes it easier to have multiple polls active at the same time, by preventing the situation where a contact is sent one poll, but their response could be interpreted for another poll.
- Allow creating multiple contacts with the same phone number, and keeping track of different conversations for the same phone number. This is useful for communicating with parents on behalf of their children, when multiple siblings may share the same parent's phone number.
- Automatically set callback URL for Nexmo delivery reports
- Allow users without the ability to send messages to view all labels
23 February 2015
- Add system status page at status.telerivet.com with public metrics and ability to subscribe for status updates
- Avoid sending "Expect: 100-continue" HTTP header for webhook requests larger than 1 KB
10 February 2015
- Allow creating services via the Rules Engine that can be applied manually to a particular contact (via the "Actions" menu on the Contacts page)
19 January 2015
- Show message source and user account when exporting messages to CSV
11 January 2015
- Released version 3.9.1 of Telerivet Android app which fixes bugs and hides unsupported settings on Android 4.4 and Android 5
8 January 2015
- Allow importing scheduled messages to groups
13 December 2014
- Released version 3.9.0 of Telerivet Android app, which supports pausing sending messages, improved support for message routes, and the ability to configure the number of times failed messages are automatically retried
- Routes with multiple phones now keep messages in a single queue, and each phone pulls messages from the queue one-at-a-time (Previously, routes with multiple phones would immediately assign each message to a particular phone)
- Allow pausing sending messages for each phone via webapp and API
- Allow changing more Android app settings via "Edit Settings" page in webapp
- Allow moving phones to a different project (via "More" link on phone page in webapp)
- When using Message Routes, the "Resend" button and API call will send the message through the route again (not necessarily using the same phone that was used the first time)
- Resend API allows resending messages from a different phone or route
- When sending messages via Message Routes with multiple phones, failed messages will automatically be retried via other phones in route
1 December 2014
- Added support for Nexmo custom sender IDs
- Added support for Nexmo US shared event-based alerts shortcode
24 November 2014
- Allow canceling queued messages via API and webapp
- Added .NET client library for REST API
12 November 2014
- Added full-text search box on Messages page to search messages by content and contact name
- Added option to enable desktop notifications and audio notifications for new incoming messages (on Personal Settings page)
30 October 2014
- Added from_number_e164 parameter to Webhook API for incoming messages, containing the sender ID normalized to E.164 international format (e.g. +16505550123).
29 October 2014
- Added the ability to restore deleted messages, contacts, and other items for 7 days, via "Undo" link or via Dashboard > More > Restore deleted items.
23 October 2014
- Added "Time Sent" column when exporting messages
18 October 2014
- Disabled SSL 3.0 on web and API servers in response to POODLE vulnerability
17 October 2014
- Added REST API method to resend a message
11 October 2014
- Added ability to add labels to messages when sending, scheduling, or importing them in web interface
- Fixed bug with new group not showing up in autocomplete when sending messages from Contacts page
25 September 2014
- Added support for two-factor authentication via smartphone app, SMS, or voice call
- Added ability to restrict logins to whitelisted IP addresses
- Added recent activity log to view log entries by user, organization, and project
- Added page to view your active login sessions and log out other sessions
- Allow OpenID login via Google Apps accounts (in addition to Gmail and Yahoo)
- Added "Data Tables" tab to top-level project navigation
- Prevent saving automated services with no selected phones
19 September 2014
- Allow IP addresses in Webhook URLs
18 September 2014
- Added support for receiving incoming MMS messages on Twilio phone numbers
15 September 2014
- Fixed bug that could cause exporting a large number of messages to fail
8 September 2014
- Added phone variables to Webhook API
- Added country property to the Phone object in REST API.
3 September 2014
- Improved performance of Messages page for projects with large number of messages
22 July 2014
- Increased maximum size of code in Cloud Script API to 100 KB
20 July 2014
- Fixed bug in Cloud Script API that could cause contact groups or variables to be improperly saved
17 July 2014
- Concatenate multipart incoming SMS from Nexmo API
15 July 2014
- Launched new Telerivet Developer Platform with updated REST API; new client libraries for PHP; Python, Ruby, Node.js and Java; updated Webhook API; new Cloud Script API; new Zapier and Cyclos integrations; and updated developer documentation and examples.
4 July 2014
- Added Message Routes to API
23 July 2014
- Handle Twilio delivery status notifications
30 May 2014
- Test numbers now generate status webhooks like other phone types
- Allow users to have multiple API keys (to allow key rotation)
21 May 2014
- Show warning when trying to send message to possible invalid phone number from web interface
- Normalize recipient phone numbers to E.164 (only for newly added phones to avoid breaking existing API integrations)
- Added variables to Rules Engine to format phone number in E.164, international, or national formats
19 May 2014
- Simplified new user registration form and added page with followup questions
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