Message Review allows administrators to approve, edit, or delete messages drafted by their team before the messages are sent out.
Administrators can enable Message Review on the Messaging Settings page, and can configure who gets notified by email when a message needs review:
Users can review messages and receive email notifications if they have the "Project administrator" or "Organization administrator" role, or the "Review messages" permission. Users in the "Project contributor" role can draft messages, but don't have permission to review messages. User roles can be configured on the User Accounts page.
When Message Review is enabled, any message with the specified number of recipients will be submitted for review, including scheduled messages.
When composing a message, the "Send" button will automatically change to "Submit for Review":
Clicking "Submit for Review" will trigger an email notification to the reviewer or reviewers:
When the reviewer clicks "Review message", Telerivet shows a preview of the message content for several contacts so the reviewer can verify that any variables are inserted correctly:
The reviewer can click "Edit" to change the content, sender, recipient, or the time when the message is scheduled. (In this example, the reviewer should fix the typo!) If the message was scheduled for a certain time but wasn't approved before the scheduled time, the reviewer must edit and reschedule the message.
When the message looks good, the reviewer can click "Approve" (or "Approve and Send Now"). If the message shouldn't be sent, the reviewer can click "Delete".
When a reviewer approves or deletes a message, an email notification is sent to the user who created the message, as well as to all reviewers.
To enable Message Review, visit the Messaging Settings page in your Telerivet dashboard.