After you send out an SMS poll, you might find that not everyone responds. For some people, it might take a little extra nudge in order for them to reply. Because of this, Telerivet makes it easy to remind people who haven’t responded to your poll yet.
Next to your poll service, click on the “More” drop-down menu, and click “View contacts in progress”:
The “Contacts in Progress” page shows contacts who you’ve sent the poll to who haven’t responded yet. If your poll has multiple questions, it also shows contacts who have started your poll but not yet finished it.
In this table, the “Current State” column shows the ID of the question that the contact is currently answering.
Like with the response data tables, you can easily sort and filter these contacts to find just the ones you want.
To remind people to complete your survey, you can select one or more contacts and click “Resend Question”. If your survey has multiple questions, this will send the current question for each contact, so your contacts pick up right where they left off. Or, you can click “Send SMS” to write a custom message. You can message everyone who hasn't completed your poll yet -- possibly hundreds or thousands of contacts -- or just certain contacts matching a particular filter.
For more advanced users, the “Set State” and “Reset” actions also let you manually change the question that a contact is currently working on. Under the “More” menu, you can also export the data from this page to CSV.